Okay, you all know the deal. It's about capturing those pieces of speak that are f-in amazing out of context. We want only those heard or overheard directly. It's up to the poster to give as much or as little info as desired. Rock on...


"There was a rumor for a while that I might be one of those penises."


"Typically you don't have to pay meters on Sunday... Cause that's the day God rested."


"Ha ha, i get it, 'Will He Bang Her in the Chocolate Factory'. (pause) So is it like an anal film?"


"Today we are going to speak like adults." "Weawy?"


"You can't put a price-tag on anal pleasure. You either want something up your butt, or you don't."

That's right bitches! I'm Back!


Oh, are you sure? I had always thought Ooah was black.

Some chic to Krads at the Chinese New Year party in SF

"At first I wasn't going to give into the guy with the stump-arm. Then he started doing tricks with it. Now I wanna hang out."

"You can pretty much tell exactly how I'm doing by the size of my ass."


"if there's black chicks in the video.....it's pretty much a 50/50 that the hair will come off."

re: AFV

"hey, it worked for Wesley Snipes in "To Wong Foo'."

re: dressing like a woman


"a lot of people seem to say they "found" themselves through karaoke. they're usually big fat people or huge losers, but still."