Okay, you all know the deal. It's about capturing those pieces of speak that are f-in amazing out of context. We want only those heard or overheard directly. It's up to the poster to give as much or as little info as desired. Rock on...


"I want to get rolfed so bad!" "My girlfriend rolfs me every night."


Blogger kneetszcoco said...

by the way, this is the greatest posting yet. my favorite.

3:39 PM

Blogger umfufu said...

so modest!

4:38 PM

Blogger kneetszcoco said...

OH SHIT!!! my comment was supposed to be for josh's anus comment!!! ha ha ha ha

10:28 PM

Blogger umfufu said...


3:32 PM

Blogger MrWynn said...

What's rolfing?

12:29 PM

Blogger kneetszcoco said...

rolfing is like extreme deep tissue massage, developed by and named after Ida Pauline Rolf. apparently, it can unearth intense emotions and is reputed to be incredibly painful. we were hanging out at a bar and came up with the idea to all get rolfed the following afternoon. it turns out they usually schedule a minimum of seven sessions, and we were only in town for two days. plus we were all scared.

12:34 AM

Blogger MrWynn said...

For reals? I thought it had something to do with dooky and vaginas...

11:44 AM

Blogger umfufu said...

hahahah... you said dooky. sounds like a pretty terrible massage doesn't it? though it is kinda right up my alley. i do like painful massages, but jesus.

10:28 AM

Blogger umfufu said...

hahahah... you said dooky.

10:28 AM


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