Okay, you all know the deal. It's about capturing those pieces of speak that are f-in amazing out of context. We want only those heard or overheard directly. It's up to the poster to give as much or as little info as desired. Rock on...


"in all ACE galleries the walls go from the floor to the ground"

compliments of my new soon to be ex-boss. and can you imagine being so scared of someone that you can't even respond when they says shit like this? welcome to my world.
read more about him here:


Blogger kneetszcoco said...

my favorite quote is: "One of the great mysteries of the art world is how Doug Chrismas keeps on doing what he does."
my second favorite quote is: "He dimples sweetly when he smiles, and it’s easy to imagine what he must’ve looked like as a child."

8:51 AM


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